K-12 Tutoring Memberships improve Reading and Math skills up to 2 Grade Levels in just 12 Weeks.
Our proven tutoring approach has been trusted by 200+ schools nationwide to boost grades and confidence fast. Join conveniently from home now!
Step 1- LOCATE ALL KNOWLEDGE GAPS TO CATCH UP. We will provide diagnostic testing designed to locate knowledge gaps that are holding your child back from performing their best.
Step 2- CUSTOMIZED PRACTICE DRILLS. TC = Totally Customized! We all learn differently. When a child is taught in the learning style that best fits them instead of an one size fits all program or class, you will see stronger results. We fully customize tutoring materials and assign students to tutoring sessions based on their learning style for customized help that accelerates learning to close knowledge gaps fast.
Step 3- RETAINING STRATEGIES. We will teach your child strategies to retain their new skills so that they can show what they have learned in the classroom and beyond! Plus - our program includes an option for homework help to help them with their current needs.
Our proven Smart Boost learning strategy helps students K-12 excel in a shorter amount of time.Learn more with a free success session!